
Showing posts from January, 2022
  IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK..... The old saying that if it "..walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is most likely a duck" holds true in the topsy turvy political world of the 21st century. Years ago, we began to hear about "political correctness."  Many wrote it off as being nothing more than adolescent balderdash.  But here we are in 2022, and political correctness has become something of a religion among the left - and especially so among those who label themselves"progressives." Progressives have many goals. Among them are growing government to all-powerful status, controlling thought through dominance of the media, sports, entertainment and education, and branding those who disagree with them as ignorant and ill-informed rubes.  With the ongoing efforts of progressives, we now have come to the point where: 1. We have probably the most incompetent executive leadership in our history 2. China is on the verge of eclipsing us as a super power. 3. Our...
  THE DEADLY TOLL OF ILLEGAL IMIGRATION IN TEXAS DPS statistics covering the years 2011 to 2021 show the numbers of Texans affected by criminal activity and the crimes committed by illegal aliens are as follows: Homicides 1,245 Assaults 66,924 Burglaries 17,456 Kidnappings 980 Robberies 4,155 Sexual Assaults 7,076 These are crimes that need not have happened, if the laws of the United States were enforced at our borders and points of entry. It is likely that the 1,245 residents of Texas listed under "homicides" would be alive today if criminal aliens had been denied entry. Bear in mind that these numbers do not include individuals maimed and killed in automobile crashes involving alien drivers. Texas is the only state to quantify offenses according to immigration status.  It staggers the imagination to consider the grand total of crimes committed by this element throughout the entire country. And yet the beat goes on, following the lawless point/counterpoint of the present ad...
  VICENTE GONZALEZ SAYS HE HAS BROUGHT US $5,000,000! BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, WHAT ABOUT THE BORDER? As of late, it has been noticed that Vicente Gonzalez campaign ads are aserting that the erstwhile District 15 representative has brought home 5 million dollars for his constituents.  For what purpose we are not informed; and, as his present official capacity is with District 15, it is difficult to imagine those monies flowing into District 34. In researching this fellow's record, it becomes crystal clear that, as a toady of the Pelosi/Biden party line, he favored shutting down construction of the border wall.  Such action, as is all too apparent to Texans living along the border, has gone hand in hand with the subsequent onslaught of illegal aliens crossing into our country from points distant throughout the world. Thus far, the Pelosi/Biden border policies have run up bills for the taxpayers well over $3 billion.  Providing housing for the aliens alone comes in at ...
WAS VICENTE GONZALEZ SLEEPING DURING ECON 101? Many folks in District 34 have commented that the candidacy of Vicente Gonzalez is an insult to their intelligence.  From Vicente's campaign paraphernalia, we learn that he is running for "re-election" in District 34.  That strikes most observers as curious, inasmuch as he was never elected to office in the counties that make up 34. Be that as it may, even more out of the ordinary is his seeming dearth of any background in economics, and this is even more astonishing, given the fact that one of his committee assignments in Wahington is the Committee for Financial Services. A quick perusal of the Gonzalez voting record shows that 97% of his votes on legislation have been straight down the party line with Nancy Pelosi and company.  And this includes voting in favor of the massive 3.5 trillion dollar Democrat infrastructure bill. With our national economy recovering from the ravages of Covid 19 and its variants, putting American...
                                                            A RED TRANSFORMATION IN THE VALLEY For decades, the Rio Grande Valley has been seen as dominated by old-line Democrat politicians, but now, owing to a new generation of committed conservative activists who are fed up with the region's long history of leftist failures and corruption, change is definitely in the air. Symptomatic of the failure of the Democratic Party in South Texas is the flight of Congressman Vicente Gonzalez from District 15 to District 34. Narrowly defeating Republican challenger Monica de la Cruz in 2020, Gonzalez saw the handwriting on the wall for 2022 and under the pretext of biased redistricting packed his bags, seeking to retain his seat in Congress by running as a carpetbagger in District 34.  To be sure, a 2 - million- dollar war chest may be seen as...