
      WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE GOOD DEMOCRATS?  Yes, I admit it. I was at one time a Democrat.  You might say that I was born into it on my paternal side, while the hill people on my mother's side were Republicans. My father's dad was a Democrat county clerk and an enthusiastic Franklin Roosevelt fan. He also knew Harry Truman, whose hand I was able to shake at a very early age. The county in which my grandfather was an elected official had a very sparse Republican population. In fact, Republicans were almost non-existent.  However, the best barbecue in the county seat was at a restaurant owned by a Mr. McCulloch, who openly proclaimed that  he was a Republican. Folks felt this was so strange that they bestowed on Mr. McCulloch a nickname. Hence, he was known far and wide as "Odd McCulloch." If you were to visit that county today, you would not find one single, solitary Democrat office-holder. In fact, the entire state is now a bright red, from top  to bottom. In the
  REPRESENTATIVE  VICENTE GONZALEZ AND GUN CONTROL Texans have generally supported the 2nd Amendment and have a high percentage of households containing firearms. Approimately 1,200,000 Texans have permits to carry concealed weapons, and this group as a whole is the most law-abiding category of the state's citizens.  The Diatribalist went through  required background checks, as well as the practical requirement of range-time, and recieved his permit to carry several years ago. Recently, the state legislature passed legislation allowing permitless carry. Thus far, there is not sufficient time and data to determine how this provision has affected state crime statistics.  Despite permitless carry, the Diatribalist will continue renewing his license, in order to carry a weapon in states where there is reciprocity with Texas on permits to carry. Vicente Gonzalez's most recent rating by the National Rifle Association is an anemic 17%, not much to brag about with staunch 2nd Amendment
  MILLIONAIRE CONGRESSMAN  VICENTE GONZALEZ  OF  TEXAS DISTRICT 15  AND HIS RECORD ON BORDER SECURITY It seems like it was only yesterday that the border chaos had been gotten under control.  The "stay in Mexico" policy was working, and those applying for refugee status were required to remain outside the United States until the date of their official hearings. And here we are, three full months into 2022, with a border under siege by thousands from all over the world openly crashing into South Texas.  With congressional districts on the border literally in crisis, it would be expected that their representatives would be working around the clock to mitigate this dire situation.  But, think again! Our Mideast allies in Israel have repeatedly demonstrated how crucial walls are to their national security.  This lesson has been lost on the inept bunglers in the Democrat Party, who now champion free access to America for anyone from anywhere. A case in point is the sad record of w
    MILLIONAIRE CONGRESSMAN GONZALEZ  IS NOT A PRO-LIFE ADVOCATE Representative Vicente Gonzalez has received unequivocal endorsements from Planned Parenthood (the organization that sells body parts from aborted babies) and the National Abortion Rights Action League. In September of 2021, HR 3755, which was euphemistically called "The Women's Health Protection Act," was introduced on the floor of the House of Representatives. Vicente de la Gente was not in favor of protecting the rights of the "personitas no nacidas," as he voted in favor of this bill. This ill-considered bill specified: 1. There should be no requirement for any specific test before proceeding to an abortion. 2. There should be no limitation on an abortion provider to prescribe or dispense specific drugs or medicines. 3. There should be no prohibition of telemedicine in an abortion procedure. 4. Abortion facilities, equipment, staffing and necessary transfers to hospitals should not come under l
        REPRESENTATIVE GONZALEZ SUPPORTS ILHAN OMAR'S HR 5665                                                                                   H In the fall of 2021, Ilhan Omar, a well known member of the infamous "squad," introduced HR 5665, which would have required the United States Department of State to establish a special international program to combat and monitor Islamophobia around the world.  Ms. Omar's proposed legislation was enthusiastically supported by Congressman Vicente Gonzalez of Texas District 15. Such legislation is clearly unnescessary and even dangerous.  Having lived for a number of years in the Middle East, the Diatribalist knows full well that the most persecuted religion in the world is Christianity. And the vast share of anti-Christian persecution has been brought on by non-Christians. Most Christian minorities living in Muslim-dominant lands daily live in fear of religiously-initiated attacks and experience legal bars to advancement in e
CONGRESSMAN VICENTE GONZALEZ IS A RECIPIENT OF GUATEMALA'S HIGHEST                                                         AWARD During 2020, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez received the Order of the Quetzal medal, Guatemala's highest award. Recipients included scholars  (Guatemalans and foreigners), some European and Latin American heads of state and diplomatic figures of various origins. The list of recipients of  the award  also included an American ambassador from the 1940's. Curiously, the only American politician on the list is Vicente Gonzlez, from Texas District 15. Other recipients were figures noteworthy for exercising dictatorial powers in their respective countries to quell democracy.  They are: 1. Benito Mussolini (Italy) 2. Fidel Castro (Cuba) 3. Augusto Pinochet (Chile) 4. Juan Peron (Argentina) 5. Alfredo Stroessner (Paraguay) 6. Jorge Rafael Videla (Argentina) One asks oneself how a fledgling congressman of less than three years service in the House of Represe
  GEE, THANKS, DEMOCRATS! THOSE GAS PRICES ARE FUELING THE INFLATION YOU DELIBERATELY CAUSED! AND SPECIAL THANKS GO OUT  TO  VICENTE DE LA GENTE AND HIS COMPADRES AND COMADRES IN D.C.! Inflation is truly a nasty business to live with.  In fact, it is a monster burning through the money in your pocket book and your savings accounts. To make it even nastier, the inflation we are experiencing never needed to happen.  It was initiated by our present government and is being sustained by our present  government, which is now, lock, stock and barrel, in the hands of Marxist extremists. It will take time to tamp down the inflation which seems to stalk us at every corner of our lives, driving up costs of transportation, and affecting what we pay for all manner of goods and services.If the free market in the energy sector of our great state of Texas were allowed free rein, we would be well on our way to lowering prices and serving as a beacon of freedom to those experiencing the bestiality and a