Yes, I admit it. I was at one time a Democrat.  You might say that I was born into it on my paternal side, while the hill people on my mother's side were Republicans.

My father's dad was a Democrat county clerk and an enthusiastic Franklin Roosevelt fan. He also knew Harry Truman, whose hand I was able to shake at a very early age.

The county in which my grandfather was an elected official had a very sparse Republican population. In fact, Republicans were almost non-existent.  However, the best barbecue in the county seat was at a restaurant owned by a Mr. McCulloch, who openly proclaimed that  he was a Republican. Folks felt this was so strange that they bestowed on Mr. McCulloch a nickname. Hence, he was known far and wide as "Odd McCulloch." If you were to visit that county today, you would not find one single, solitary Democrat office-holder. In fact, the entire state is now a bright red, from top  to bottom. In the final analysis, the hillbillies won  So, what for goodness' sake happened to all the Democrats?

In my younger days, I did admire certain Democrats, specifically those with names like Mansfield, Symington, Jackson, Casey, Kennedy, McCarthy (Eugene, not Joe), Fulbright, Connelly, et. al.  But when I survey the present Democrat lineup, I really can't think of a modern day Democrat with the standing to compare with the old-line types. I cannot even today think of one Democrat who is pro-life. I can just imagine when next I visit the family plot that it might not be too far-fetched to think I might  find my grandfather has kicked the lid off his coffin.

My conservative tendencies began to kick in in college when I encountered NATIONAL REVIEW and William Buckley. In addition, I was fortunate in having an open-minded economics professor, who covered the subject objectively across the entire spectrum. But in graduate school, I sat in the classrooms of some instructors who had totally broken with objectivity. Looking back it is now quite easy to see how the Democrats are now on the verge of following the dodo bird into extiction.  To summarize, it might be well to consider the following:

1. The Democrats have now abandoned the working class in favor of an elite class of "progressives".
2.  Democrat economic policies and legislation have led to historic levels of inflation, having a severe impact on groups that were once solidly aligned with Democrats.
3.  Before the Biden years, the country was energy independent. Radical policies have reversed this to the point of forcing the nation into dependency on countries basically hostile to American interests.
4.  Americans are now imperiled by a Democrat policy of open borders, which has brought crime, human trafficking, drugs and an open invitation to terrorists to cause havoc in our midst. We, as U.S. taxpayers will, of course have to pay for the accommodation of millions who have broken our laws and crammed their way into our society.
5.  Democrat policies have encouraged a crime wave and have brought to power elements that are opposed to law enforcement.  Repeat offenders are literally encouraged to do some more repeating.
6.  The executive branch of government is now controlled by forces determined to  wage "lawfare"  through the DOJ, CIA, FBI and other agencies to squelch basic American freedoms.
7.  Democrats are confused in the matter of sexuality and have encouraged the sexual mutilation of minor children who are beguiled by sexual dysphoria.  Women's sports are now in jeopardy because of Democrat desires to promote "transgender women."
8.  The so-called "woke" agenda and its fallacious alphabet soup, such as DEI, has been pushed into key areas of education, business and even our military, perhaps explaining why recruitment quotas have not been met.
9.  A foreign policy of weakness has allowed countries such as China,North Korea, Iran and Russia to assume threatening postures that portend danger for our country.
10. We are now "led" by a government that is grotesque, not only for its lack of capacity to lead but also by a history of corruption at its highest levels.

This list is obviously not complete. It could be expanded by more than twice the space we have devoted to its development. However, it is definitely a sufficient indictment to preclude any sane person voting for the Democrat Party in 2024.


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