In the fall of 2021, Ilhan Omar, a well known member of the infamous "squad," introduced HR 5665, which would have required the United States Department of State to establish a special international program to combat and monitor Islamophobia around the world. Ms. Omar's proposed legislation was enthusiastically supported by Congressman Vicente Gonzalez of Texas District 15.
Such legislation is clearly unnescessary and even dangerous. Having lived for a number of years in the Middle East, the Diatribalist knows full well that the most persecuted religion in the world is Christianity. And the vast share of anti-Christian persecution has been brought on by non-Christians. Most Christian minorities living in Muslim-dominant lands daily live in fear of religiously-initiated attacks and experience legal bars to advancement in education and jobs.
The Diatribalist spent six years living under a Middle East monarchy, which saw him having to worship secretly with other Christians. That experience made him value freedom of religion, as he had known it in the United States.
Ms. Omar also has decried discrimination of Muslims in the U.S. However, by far, the most attacks in our country on a religious or ethnic group are carried out against Jewish Americans.
Vicente Gonzalez, aka "Vicente con la Gente," was off base in this regard. His time could have been better spent in promoting freedom of religion resolutions applying to people of faith from all religions.
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