Cameron County Healthcare District
The number one issue now facing our county is the proposed boondoggle known as the Cameron County Healthcare District, which has great potential to bring about soaring property taxes and the imposition of financial hardship on those who can least afford it, namely those of limited income, senior citizens and young families. Designed to favor those with political clout and surreptitiously navigated through the Texas legislature, this scheme would foster a new bureaucracy, which would be nearly impossible to get rid of once in place. The blueprint for this new taxing district would allow it to have the power of eminent domain and to raise the property tax assessment anywhere from 25 cents to 75 cents per each $100 of assessments. This is intolerable, and especially so since it would essentially preempt existing agencies presently providing services the district would duplicate. Please get the word out to the hard-working, tax-paying citizens of Cameron County. We mu...
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