And this brings us to the upcoming election on the proposed healthcare district. Bill Hudson, in his letter which was published in these pages yesterday, has really crystallized what this election will be all about. It's money, of course! 42-million greenbacks, based on 25 cents additional property tax on each evaluation of 100-dollars. And, if the non-elected board should push that figure higher on the tax totem-pole (a cap of 75 cents?), then the stakes become higher. As Jim Barnes in neighboring Hidalgo County is fond of saying, "If you like Obama Care, you'll love the healthcare district, as it will be a local version of Obama Care on steroids!"
Yes, there have been indictments for election tampering, and some sentences have even been meted out to a few "politiqueras." Yes, state and federal authorities are looking further into voter fraud in our region. But don't make the mistake of thinking (even for one little minute!) that the political establishment will not use their time-honored election machinations in an effort to provide more bucks for the favored interests who stand to profit from your tax money with a healthcare district. It's up to us. We must be vigilant, and we must be unwavering in our commitment! Together, our cause is clearly winnable! Let's get busy!
You are ridiculous. This program will not rise taxes and will help the poor people.