Cameron-countians have a huge election coming up in November, the results of which will either turn back the tide of the proposed Cameron County Healthcare district, or result in a significant increase in taxes for residential, commercial, industrial, business, agricultural and rental properties. We simply cannot afford this thing, people, as it will affect every darned one of us, as property owners and renters, with no exemptions for agricultural property, or for senior citizens.
As the poorest county in Texas, we already have too many folks who are delinquent in their taxes, and too many who are experiencing foreclosure. If the healthcare district becomes a reality, more people will fall into delinquency, and more will even lose their homes.
There are some misguided proponents who say we need to offer more services for the indigent. Well, excuse me! We already have those services, and this thing would not provide anything new.
With a whole new bureaucracy to support, there will be more opportunities for waste and corruption in our local government. And you would not have any direct say-so in how the district is run, because every last one of the board members will be APPOINTED by sitting politicians. Ever hear of taxation without representation? Well, the healthcare district would have it, and would even have the right to take property without the owner's consent! And, to top everything, the non-elected board members would have the right to raise your taxes without your consent.
The flow of undocumented immigrants in the county is already great. Can you imagine that the healthcare district, providing free medical services, would serve as a magnet for even more?
Last year, the citizens of Hidalgo County had enough gumption to defeat a similar proposal. Surely, as citizens of Cameron County, we will be vigilant enough to send this terrible proposal where it belongs, in the dustbin of history.
Everyone needs to pass this message on to their friends and neighbors.