REPRESENTATIVE VICENTE GONZALEZ AND GUN CONTROL Texans have generally supported the 2nd Amendment and have a high percentage of households containing firearms. Approimately 1,200,000 Texans have permits to carry concealed weapons, and this group as a whole is the most law-abiding category of the state's citizens. The Diatribalist went through required background checks, as well as the practical requirement of range-time, and recieved his permit to carry several years ago. Recently, the state legislature passed legislation allowing permitless carry. Thus far, there is not sufficient time and data to determine how this provision has affected state crime statistics. Despite permitless carry, the Diatribalist will continue renewing his license, in order to carry a weapon in states where there is reciprocity with Texas on permits to carry. Vicente Gonzalez's most recent rating by the National Rifle Association is an anemic 17%, not much to brag about with staun...